(Originally posted 3/20/12)
A classroom system is how we organize the nuts and bolts of the actions that are NOT part of language acquisition.
A classroom system organizes things like:
*who goes to the bathroom, how often and for how long
*how papers are distributed and collected
*how grades are assigned and communicated
*how the set up and clean up of activities occur
*how the room is decorated
*how and when evaluations occur
*if and/or how participation is tallied.etc.
You may not believe me, and it took me a long time to see this myself,
Not one of these things will help your students to acquire language. Not even the participation piece.
There is no right way to do any of them.
They should take up as little of your classroom time as possible.
Therefore, discussion about them on lists, blogs and at conferences should also take up as little of your time as possible.
That is really hard for many teachers. We like those sweet little systems.
with love,
and complete knowledge that I could labeled as a heretic,
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