About Us

In the last few weeks I have been working to recover nearly five years of blogging that I thought that I had lost completely. It’s not all recovered, but we were able to find some of it. What a gift! Thank you for visiting the old and the new posts. Please feel free to write a comment for me, or anyone reading, especially if you have questions. Just as with our students, the more questions asked, the more information understood!!!! More importantly, the more questions asked, the better blogger I can be.

You see, the truth is…this blog is a very selfish endeavor. I process my world through words.

When I have the chance to write, I can work out the blessings and challenges of being a language acquisition teacher. (yes, that may be an oxymoron!) Writing makes the AHA moments.

So welcome. I’m so glad to have you here. Sometimes my writing is very TPRS-CI-oriented. Many times it is sparked by someone’s post on their own blog. (I’m working to get the links to other blogs posted easily here…….) Sometimes it comes from someone’s questions. :o).

I am not an “expert”. I am not a “guru”. I am not a PhD. I am not a “researcher”. I am definitely not a techie. (although I try!!)

I am a teacher with a lot of time in the classroom, a strong desire to provide success for my students, an intense interest in connecting with other teachers, and a great love of language. I love puzzling out how to do anything better. Figuring out how to share ideas and information in a better way puts me on cloud nine. So again, thanks for visiting. I am so glad that you stopped by. Stay as long as you like.

with love,

All content of this website ©Hearts For Teaching 2009-present and/or original authors. Unauthorized use or distribution of materials without express and written consent of the owners/authors is strictly prohibited. Examples and links may be used as long as clear and direct reference to the site and original authors is clearly established.