Hello friends! Life is very busy here in Baton Rouge and before too much time slips away, I want to tell you about a collaboration between Hearts for Teaching and Ignite Chinese: Learn Together Academy!!
This school year we are offering a new and unique professional experience for teachers who use, or are interested in using, Comprehensible Input-based Teaching!
This year’s Academy team is Haiyun Lu, Justin Slocum-Bailey, Christine Garrabrant Aguiar, Amy Roe (The Storyteller’s Corner) and myself. We have some very clear goals for the Academy:
A. We want teachers to feel more successful teaching in whatever their new situation might be this year.
B. We will train and guide teachers in culturally responsible comprehensible input (CI)-based instruction.
C. We have developed a strategically sequenced, highly supportive program that emphasizes coaching and skill-building.
D. We will work to provide teachers the skills and information needed for delivering Comprehensible Input and interacting with students with equity and intercultural competence.
E. We will work towards establishing a community of teachers who support each other in these endeavors.

The team, along with techie guy and Latin teacher Keith Toda and Dr. Stephen Krashen, has created a series of short, concise and compelling videos on the essentials of Teaching with Comprehensible Input. It is a resource that will be valuable and available to you separately or as part of the series.

Each month we focus on a different theme. That month’s session will include 3 one-hour presentations, Q and A, mentoring, coaching and more.

Participants can sign up just for the months that interest them (or fit in their schedule!) or for the entire series! There are Early Bird and Group Pricing Options. In fact, we would love to have you sign up with colleagues and friends. It’s “LEARN TOGETHER’ Academy!

The presentations, starting in October, will be live AND available recorded, so you won’t have to change your world in order to be a part of the group. Our October theme is:

and our presenters are so excited to get started! Just in case you are wondering about November….

Scroll down to see the remainder of the monthly themes and presenters!
Registration is now underway at our website: https://learn-together-academy.teachable.com/
We also have a Facebook page that you can join to keep up with the news and information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3114641868648522
(Search for Learn Together Academy: Bridging The Gaps)
And of course, Twitter! @LearnTogether8
Don’t miss a chance to make this year easier than it has been! We are looking out for you!
with love,