Comprehensible CA is only three weeks away! This conference, like CI Iowa, CIMidwest and CIMitten is a shorter conference than the intensive summer opportunities which are so positve and powerful. These conferences happen during the school year! They are a great way to recharge enthusiasm, ask pertinent questions, solve problems that may have popped up and refocus on new goals.
Comprehensible CA has a unique line up this year! We begin with a Friday Pre-conference line up of offerings! We are very pleased to be offering the first regional administrative training in the country on Friday, September 13 at W.T. Eich Middle School in Roseville, CA. This training, which goes from 9:00-2:30 to accomdate administrators’ schedules, will be led by Bryce Hedstrom, Laurie Clarcq and Marc Buljan. Both Bryce and Laurie have over 30 years of classroom experience each and national and international experience in training teachers and administrators. Marc is the Director of Personnel Services for the Roseville City School District. He has been the administrator for a highly successful CI-based program in an IB school and has worked for several years with administrators who are interested in bringing Comprehensible Input-based Instruction to their schools.
Friday 3 hour Pre-conference options for teachers:
Beginning Basics with Laurie Clarcq
This highly interactive workshop is designed for teachers who desire a foundation in Comprehensible Input-based Instruction. The goal is for participants to understand how acquisition theory becomes reality in the classroom! We will examine how to develop skills, set norms, keep language comprehensible and activities compelling. All of the secrets you need to know to get started and stay strong throughout the year.Come join us for a fun and powerful three-hour experience.
Picture Talk Your Way to Movie Talk with Clarice Swaney
Picture Talk your Way to Movie Talk is an innovative approach that can be used at every level to bring comprehensible input (99-90 % comprehended input to your classroom by using images, video clips and films to connect to the lives and interests of your students. In this half day session, you will experience interactive lessons that demonstrate scaffolded, differentiated questioning techniques with compelling input that will hold student interest by using images, video clips, and film. Participants will practice demonstrated skills, discover and develop your own resources in order to create lessons tailored to your students and curriculum.
101: How to Engage Your Students in a Crime Scene MysteryMurder . with Scott Benedict
Is the ordinary getting boring for your students? Do your students like mayhem and intrigue? Do you enjoy a good crime mystery? Then this session is for you! I will teach you how you can create your own crime mystery in your classroom and engage your students like never before.
Friday Afternoon Options for Teachers:
Classroom Management with Care and Respect with Bryce Hedstrom
Learn or be refreshed on the best practices that will build a sustainable culture of respect, kindness and equity in your classroom… and do it without burning out, including:
- How to infuse lessons with culture naturally
- The surprising effectiveness of call-and-response prompts… and how to use them in multiple ways
- Why you need to start assigning classroom jobs
- How to read and send body language signals to encourage subconscious engagement and acceptance.
- How rejoinders build fluency, camaraderie and buy-in… how to teach them and keep kids using them.
- How to do questioning differently including tiered questioning for on-the-spot differentiation
Beyond the Play Button Jim Wooldridge aka Sr. Wooly!
Although music and videos are essential vehicles for providing language input, it can be challenging to figure out how to properly implement them in the classroom. We all know how to click play, but isn’t there more? In this session, Jim Wooldridge, a.k.a. Sr. Wooly, will demonstrate a variety of practical activities that will give you the confidence to use music and videos in the classroom (and with none of the guilt!). Plus, he will model how to win the class over so you have more class singalongs and fewer class eye-rolls
Setting up for Success: classroom layout, posters, and gradebook with Scott Benedict
Setting your students up for success is more than lesson plans and expertise.
Learn how your classroom layout, what’s on your walls, and setting up your grade book can spell success for all your students. They’re more important than you think!!
Reader’s Theater: From Reluctant Reader to Pleasure Reader with Karen Rowan
Reading has to be 98-100% comprehensible for language to be acquired. 98%! When your students read, do they automatically create visual images in their minds or are they decoding and translating word-by-word? Bringing reading to life for all students through Readers Theater and strategic, effective use of movie clips builds visual images that bring reading to 98-100% comprehensible, increasing the chances that our students will become lifetime pleasure readers. This session contains instructions and a demo so that you can begin using Reader’s Theater in your classroom immediately with whole class novels or as a “sales presentation” to make readers in your classroom library fly off the shelves during FVR. (Bringing possible readers in any language, for any level is encouraged.)
A full day of training for teachers for only $99! If you also attend Saturday’s conference (see next post!) then there is a reduced price!
Here is the Comprehensible California website for more information!
Click here to go directly to the registration page!
Special thanks to our exhibitors and donors!!